Friday, August 20, 2010

How do you become best friends with a guy?

How do you become best friends with a guy without making it seem like you like them(as in crush-kind of way)

i'm thirteen and i don't really have any guy friends.. i mean i talk to guys, yes. but how do u ask them to hangout or their number without it being like i like you you know.

;)How do you become best friends with a guy?
I'm fourteen ndd I have alot of guy friends who I hang out with and well it's easy to get thier phone numbers, all you gotta do is giv them ur cell phone ndd ask them to put thier number in... it always works for me. but I would suggest talkin to them on the phone or txtin them before u like hangout or else they might think u like them... that happened to me with this one guy it was awkward until I told him I only like him like a bro... good luck!! ^_^

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